Gratitude Day 376
Tues., Dec. 17, 2019
Psalm 6:7: My vision fails because of my grief; it’s weak because of all my distress.

As much as we want to think this is THE MOST WONDERFUL time of the year, for some it is NOT.
It’s a difficult, sad and lonely time of the year.
Or there is remorse because everyone else thinks it’s a wonderful time … and you don’t.
Maybe you’ve lost a loved one.
Maybe you are struggling with depression.
Maybe your finances are challenging.
Or there is a broken or difficult relationship that clouds your brain.
Possibly you just don’t feel at the top of your game and you would gladly skip over all the holiday stuff and jump right into a new year.
There can be a hole bunch of reasons why the holidays are difficult for us. We don’t have to know WHAT is going on in a person’s life. We only need to be COMPASSIONATE.
More willing to listen than we are to speak.
And so, be gentle this Christmas.
Be aware if someone you know is struggling.
Filled with grief.
Not sure they want to celebrate.
Just be present. It’s not your role to fix things. YOUR job is to simply be.
This is enough.
For those who are willing to allow themselves to struggle during the holidays, I am grateful. I pray someone walks with them.
Holy God – You know exactly who is struggling these days. I pray that you will make it clear to us who is struggling and how we can simply be present for them. May we be gentle with those who holidays does not feel very festive. Amen.
Blessings –
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