Gratitude Day 362
Thurs., Nov. 14, 2019
Philippians 2:7-8: (Jesus) emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, being born in human likeness. And being found in human form, he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death—even death on a cross.
It happens, oh, about once a week.
I open the refrigerator and find a perfectly empty, but dirty, container inside.
And it always makes me smile.
I’m not quite sure WHY Hubby Rick does this. Maybe to put a smile on my face? But it happens repeatedly.
And not just in the refrigerator. One day this week, I opened the chest freezer in the basemen. You know, the one that holds all the good stuff? What did I find right on top?
An empty, but dirty container.
Rick uses these containers to put food in for his work lunch. They are always dirty. When they appear, I’m never quite sure what day they are from. Yesterday? Two days ago? Last week?
Just once I want to ask Rick, “Why don’t you walk the five steps and put the container in the sink?”
Just once.
Sometimes, I THINK he wants to reuse the container. I know. Eww. Other times, maybe he’s lazy. And then, there are the times when possibly he does it just to make me smile.
Or irritate me.
This is the deal about marriage. I could get upset about the dirty containers in the refrigerator. Or I can smile and let them go.
Maybe it’s not dirty containers at your house.
Maybe it’s dirty underwear on the bathroom floor.
Or shoes right inside the door.
Possibly its toothpaste left in the sink.
You pick whatever it is that sometimes is just a wee bit annoying. And let it go … because there may be a day when you wished the underwear were on the floor. Or you were tripping over the shoes as you push open the door.
And yes, maybe you might long to have an empty, but dirty, container in the fridge.
As I opened the container this week and examined the evidence of what used to be inside the container (pasta with veggies), I had this little moment. A moment when I remembered someone who emptied themselves for MY benefit.
His name was Jesus.
He emptied himself for my benefit. For your benefit. He took upon himself my dirty and ugly sins and did not get disgusted by them. He took them anyways. When he looked inside of me, Jesus doesn’t say, “Eww.”
No, he says, “This is a child that I love.”
And he says this to you as well.
I didn’t put the dirty container back in the fridge. I walked the five steps over to the kitchen sink and put it there because the dish washer needed to be emptied.
As I dropped the container into the sink, I was thankful that I have a husband who does these things just for me. Just so I could remember who emptied himself for me. And it put a smile on my face and in my heart.
For Jesus’ choice to empty himself just for me, I am grateful.
Holy God – Thank goodness You don’t look inside of me and say, “Eww.” You overlook every awful and disgusting thing that I have done … and love me anyway. Please help me aspire to be as forgiving as you are. Amen.
Blessings –
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