Gratitude Day 354
Fri., Nov. 8, 2019
Psalm 104:19: God made the moon for the seasons, and the sun too, which knows when to set.
As I look out my office window, things just don’t seem right.

We’re barely a week into November and there’s a sheet of whiteness everywhere.
Wisconsin Trick-or-Treaters won’t forget Halloween 2019. It’s the first time many of them wore snow boots with the costumes because, well, there was snow.

Even my Christmas cactus is confused. Christmas is something like six weeks away, but her blooms are in full force. Right now. She saw the snow and felt the cold coming through the window to her right and decided, “Well, it MUST be time to bloom.”
So sorry, my friend but your clock sprang ahead instead of falling back.

We live in rural Wisconsin. It’s been a challenging fall for those folks who feed the rest of us. It’s been wet, wet, wet. And now with snow, snow, snow, there is nary a farmer who isn’t frustrated. Thousands and thousands of acres of beans and corn are NOT in storage bins, safe and at the right level of dryness. No, they are shivering in 20-degree temperatures and covered in a pretty, but unhelpful layer of snow.
This leads to cranky farmers. Disappointed families. People trying to hold things together in spite of low prices, crappy weather and burnout. People who need our prayers because they aren’t sure what season it is. Their calendar says one thing, but the great outdoors is playing a different tune.
The beans and corn still in the fields? Makes my blooming Christmas Cactus seem very insignificant.
No matter what “season” of life you are going through, God is with you. When things don’t see to be following the anticipated season, pause. Take a deep breath. Turn your eyes towards the One who never leaves you. And buckle up for another day that may be filled with unexpected situations.

Some unexpected seasons add joy to our hearts. Others make us wonder where God is. No matter what, God IS with YOU.
Hear this again: God IS with YOU.

For God’s presence in every season, expected or unexpected, I am grateful.
Holy God – It’s a very chilly morning in Poynette, Wisconsin. The snow and cold and late sunrise feel very Januaryish. Please be with all of the farmers who are struggling with unharvested crops. Please be with anyone who is in a season that feels very challenging and difficult. Remind us all day long that You are with Us. Amen.
Blessings –
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