Gratitude Day 349
The Trick of Mistakes
Gratitude Day 349
Fri., Nov. 1, 2019
Proverbs 14:29: Patience leads to abundant understanding, but impatience leads to stupid mistakes.
It is SO MUCH easier to point out someone else’s mistakes than take responsibility for our own mistakes.
Or maybe it’s just me.
Hubby Rick and I went to a high school volleyball game last night. Both teams have skill. Both teams had moments when they did very well. Both teams also made mistakes.
Missed serves. Illegal formation. Bad hits. Out-of-bounce hits.
At the end of the very competitive match, one team lost. One team won, even though both teams made mistakes.
When watching any competitive event, there are lots of “arm-chair quarterbacks” in the room. Missed calls. Unfair calls. Wrong choice by a coach. It’s amazing how “right” we can be while sitting in the stands.
In any competitive competition, those who advance to playing at high levels usually have one thing in common: they let go of their mistakes quickly. They must, otherwise their performance will be affected.
So, how about you? How quickly can you let something go? Do you hang onto things forever and ever? Or, do you quickly move on.
Generally speaking, I think I let go of things rather quickly. I do not like to put unnecessary energy into getting bogged down by a mistake that I made. Doing so only draws energy away from other things I need to be focusing on. And leads to more mistakes.
But I have my limits. Rick and I were discussing a certain situation. He’s much more forgiving in this instance. Poor repeated previous behavior makes me keep up my guard. I’m more hesitant about overlooking what has happened in the past and thinking there will be different outcomes in the future.
I’m trying to be patient and see this through. Be proved wrong in my hesitation to fully embrace.
I must be thankful that I know a God who forgives and moves on so quickly. Who bats mistakes away way quicker than I do?
One of my mistakes? Not growing in this area enough to trust God. And let go. And be OK with my and other’s mistakes.
How quickly can you forgive mistakes? Are there mistakes that you still are hanging onto? Why?
For God’s ability to overlook mistakes so much more quickly than I do, I am grateful.
Lord God – Your ability to overlook mistakes is so amazing. Your ability to overlook MY mistakes is even more notable. Be patient with me as I continue to grow in this area. Amen.
Blessings –
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Fri., Nov. 1, 2019
Proverbs 14:29: Patience leads to abundant understanding, but impatience leads to stupid mistakes.

It is SO MUCH easier to point out someone else’s mistakes than take responsibility for our own mistakes.
Or maybe it’s just me.
Hubby Rick and I went to a high school volleyball game last night. Both teams have skill. Both teams had moments when they did very well. Both teams also made mistakes.
Missed serves. Illegal formation. Bad hits. Out-of-bounce hits.
At the end of the very competitive match, one team lost. One team won, even though both teams made mistakes.
When watching any competitive event, there are lots of “arm-chair quarterbacks” in the room. Missed calls. Unfair calls. Wrong choice by a coach. It’s amazing how “right” we can be while sitting in the stands.
In any competitive competition, those who advance to playing at high levels usually have one thing in common: they let go of their mistakes quickly. They must, otherwise their performance will be affected.
So, how about you? How quickly can you let something go? Do you hang onto things forever and ever? Or, do you quickly move on.
Generally speaking, I think I let go of things rather quickly. I do not like to put unnecessary energy into getting bogged down by a mistake that I made. Doing so only draws energy away from other things I need to be focusing on. And leads to more mistakes.
But I have my limits. Rick and I were discussing a certain situation. He’s much more forgiving in this instance. Poor repeated previous behavior makes me keep up my guard. I’m more hesitant about overlooking what has happened in the past and thinking there will be different outcomes in the future.
I’m trying to be patient and see this through. Be proved wrong in my hesitation to fully embrace.
I must be thankful that I know a God who forgives and moves on so quickly. Who bats mistakes away way quicker than I do?
One of my mistakes? Not growing in this area enough to trust God. And let go. And be OK with my and other’s mistakes.
How quickly can you forgive mistakes? Are there mistakes that you still are hanging onto? Why?
For God’s ability to overlook mistakes so much more quickly than I do, I am grateful.
Lord God – Your ability to overlook mistakes is so amazing. Your ability to overlook MY mistakes is even more notable. Be patient with me as I continue to grow in this area. Amen.
Blessings –
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