Gratitude Day 345
Thurs., Oct. 24, 2019
Ezekiel 10:10: And as for their appearance, the four looked alike, something like a wheel within a wheel.
Once in a while, a moment is captured that is priceless.

This is one of those moments.
Let me introduce you to the two participants. On the left is our youngest grandson, Dylan. He is 7, soon to be eight. He’s in second grade. He repeatedly tells me that he DOES NOT like school. Yet, he also recently told me that he’s doing third grade work because second grade work is “way too easy.”
On the right is Hubby Rick.
I’m not sure what the conversation was about. Or who was talking smack to whom. It was just one of those moments that I wanted to freeze and keep in my memory bank forever.
Maybe I am biased, but there just seems to be so much said in this photo without a single word being uttered.
Usually, when Rick and Dylan are jangling back and forth, there’s lots of one-upping each other. This day, there’s a break in the conversation; just long enough for the moment to be captured.
Sometimes, I look at Dylan and anticipate that he is so very much like Rick at that age. Yes, they look alike. But it’s their similar personality, mannerisms and word choices that about do me in.
Each of our six grandchildren are unique and special. I wish I had more individual shots of each one from this day to show how their Grandpa pulls out their unique personality. For now, we’ll just have to let this one be sufficient.
This. This is what makes me laugh and smile and brings joy to your heart.
Look on your phone or camera. Find a photo that brings joy to your heart. Show it to everyone you see today.
And they will smile right back.
For captured moments that bring great joy, I am grateful.
Holy God – May we truly appreciate the smallest and most cherished moments of today. Help write them on our hearts and minds, so when we’re having a challenging day, they will put a smile on our face and joy in our hearts. Amen.
Blessings –
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