Gratitude Day 333

Mon., Sept. 30, 2019

Psalm 119:65: Lord, I am overflowing with your blessings, just as you promised.

I really want to be a person who counts their blessings first in their life. Sometimes, it’s easy to itemize the challenges or disappointments or let-downs in life. But when we focus on what we feel is missing, the deficits often overshadow the blessings.

Sometimes, it helps me focus on something for a particular period of time. Then, I have a greater appreciation for this in my life. So, I put together an October 2019 – Month of Gratitude Calendar. It’s a little way that I can express gratitude and blessings every day of the month. Most things are just a quick reminder of the small, daily blessings in our lives that we often take for granted. A few take a bit more effort. My goal is to identify something that I often take for granted but want to convey how important it is in my life.

Just in case you are interested in finding more gratitude in your daily life, I’m making this calendar available for you as well! You may want to download and print the calendar. As you complete a task, cross it off the calendar. If you aren’t able to accomplish a particular task one day, exchange it for another day. The goal is to complete 31 random acts of kindness throughout the month of January.

I’m excited to see how my view of gratitude changes during the month of October. Will you please join me on this journey?

For a month-long gratitude journey, I am grateful. 

Holy God – I truly am overflowing with blessings in my life. May I develop a stronger and deeper appreciation for all of these blessings throughout the next 31 days. Place it upon my heart the desire to complete a random act of gratitude very day. Amen.

Blessings –


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