Gratitude Day 302
Mon., July 15, 2019
Ecclesiastes 7:3 – Choose sorrow over laughter because a sad face may hide a happy heart.

Hubby Rick has a daily goal which is really very simple but rather profound: make someone laugh each day.
Or at least smile.
On most days, he bats 100%.
Often, I’m the one whom he works his magic on.
And I am so thankful for this.
I’m too serious. I make lists. I like to check things off of lists. I like to plan. I like to know what I’m going to be doing today before, well, noon.
Rick is anything but these things.
He loves to make light of things. He flies by the seat of his pants. What he gets done today is a joy. And why plan tonight when we need to see what the weather will be like tomorrow.
Truth be known? He is a lot more fun to be around.
And I am so thankful for this.
I’m the grandparent who disciplines. I’m the grandparent who sets boundaries. I’m the grandparent who makes sure we are fed, hydrated and on time.
Hubby Rick? Well, he’s the fun grandparent. The one whose very name or presence brings a smile and joy to their hearts. He’s the one who the neighbors stop by to see what he’s up to because, well, with Rick, you just never know. There’s always a surprise lurking just around the corner, waiting to be exposed and laughed over.
And I am so thankful for this.
Somehow, the man never really stopped being six.
Don’t get me wrong. He works hard, plays hard and has an endless amount of ideas and ways to do things. But he also makes sure that whatever job is at hand is done with just a bit of lightness. Fun. Laughter.
And I am so thankful for this.
Today, discover every possibility you can to bring joy and laughter to someone’s day. Not unnecessary or fake laughter. But true, honest-to-goodness reasons to laugh and smile and extend joy.
That’s all. Nothing more. Just some good old laughter.
And then, at the end of the day … see how it feels. Recall how it felt.
Be six again.
Be thankful for this.
For the gift of laughter and those who love to make it part of their ordinary, everyday living, I am grateful.
Dear God – thank you for the gift of humor and laughter. May we intentionally discover and live joy and laughter every day. Yes, there are days when maybe it’s hard to find joy and happiness. But may knowing You bring a smile to our faces and joy to the day. Help us be six again. Amen.
Blessings –
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