Gratitude Day 297

Mon., July 8, 2019

Hebrews 13:8 – Jesus Christ never changes! He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Please read the quote in the photo one more time.

Do you get it? Today is a special day. It’s today. And that is ENOUGH.

Too often, I try to jam-pack my days. I want to accomplish more and do more and fill the entire day of things that I want to cross off my to-do list. When this happens, I forget that I didn’t create today. God did.

Yep. Today isn’t my gift to anyone. It’s God’s gift to all of us.

Today is also called the present … because it’s truly a gift. Maybe it doesn’t arrive with a bow on top or in gorgeous wrapping paper. But the present is such a special gift I pray we celebrate it for what it is.

How do we often treat today?

Like it’s not enough.

Or I didn’t accomplish enough.

Maybe something unexpected creep into today and seemed to ruin the rest of the day.

Or take away from what initially was planned.

But today is still a gift. A present.

How will you treat today?

For the gift of today, I am grateful.

Jesus – thank you for today. The most special of days. Help me treasure every minute. Amen.

Blessings –


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