Gratitude Day 286

Mon., June 17, 2019

Jonah 2:9 – But I, with shouts of grateful praise, will sacrifice to you. What I have vowed I will make good. I will say, ‘Salvation comes from the Lord.’”

I am convinced gratitude can change a person’s life.

Yep, research has proven this. But I’m convinced of this for a more significant reason. When I look for gratitude in my daily life – no matter how small or how big – I feel much better about myself. I am reminded again of how many wonderful things I have in my life.

Sunday night, I was walking through out 110+-year-old home. I felt so much gratitude to have a beautiful home. I ran to the grocery store to buy groceries for an event we’re hosting this week. Gratitude surfaced as I put things into the cart, appreciative that I don’t have to wonder if we have enough money to pay for the items I wanted to buy.

I’m grateful to have a washer and dryer to help with laundry. Grateful that I have a very loving Hubby Rick who has been extremely tolerant of my crazy schedule these past few weeks … and picked up some of the slack at home. Daily, I appreciate the flexibility of choosing what to do somedays because currently, I do not have a full-time job. I am so appreciative of the simple things: running water, a safe vehicle to drive, people who I love and love me in return.

On days when it seems a bit more difficult to stay positive, I pray that expressing gratitude reminds me that life is really pretty good. Rather than becoming overwhelmed by what isn’t done or how I feel that I could have accomplished more, I remember that I am fortunate to have good health so I can do many things.

Obsessive gratitude seems like a wonderful place for me to be. Will you join me in desiring to be a place where we focus more on gratitude and less on the challenges of our daily lives? I know … gratitude won’t remove those things that district us and cause us anxiety. Gratitude doesn’t pay bills nor get my work done. But gratitude does provide a lense through which I pray we will stop and take a look once awhile. Gratitude helps us celebrate the smallest of wins and encourages us to keep on keeping on.

Gratitude can and does make life richer, fuller with more proper perspective. This is why being obsessively grateful makes sense to me.

For God’s decision to always extend me gratitude, I am grateful.

Lord God – May the phrase “abundantly grateful” be permanently written on heart. I pray an attitude of gratitude only spurs me to a deeper sense of gratitude in my daily living. Amen.

Blessings –


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