Gratitude Day 280
Mon., June 3, 2019
Song of Solomon 2:12 – Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come; the cooing of doves is heard in our land.
Sometimes, our souls need to sing.
After a stretch with lots of commitments, I arrived home last Thursday afternoon with the opportunity to enjoy the outside. In spite of other projects that could have filled my attention, I headed outside. It was time to do some gardening.
I had bought some annuals nearly two weeks earlier but had not made time to get them planted. There were some perennials that I wanted to move. And yes, more mulch was needed as well.

After a few hours outside, progress was made. As the west sky turned dark blue and purple and eventually black, it was time to wrap things up for the night. The rest would have to wait until Friday.

In the morning, I continued relocating plants and putting the pots together. Eventually, I had just one more thing to do: plant a zinnia hedge along the edge of the garden. In the summer, these zinnias make me happy. They are super easy to take care of and are stunning to observe. I like to buy a variety of zinnia’s, mix them together and plant them into the soil. And wait. Wait until their blossoms are big enough to gather into a lovely bouquet and display in the kitchen.

I suggested to Hubby Rick that he get some mulch. Thankfully, he took the hint and picked up a load. Better yet – he started to unload it, bucket by bucket, as he spread it in the flower beds. It looks amazing.

In just a few hours, the flower beds and yard when from “not too terribly exciting” to gorgeous. The cleaned-out beds, the rearranged plants and the contrasting mulch made us feel like the yard had just burst into new life. This spring cleaning was so worth it.
Are they areas in your life that are just ready to bloom and need a slight bit of encouragement? Possibly some rearranging? A little bit of time and attention? As summer is upon us and opportunities abound, contemplate what you can do to fill your soul and bring some happiness into your life.

For dirty hands, freshly water plants and the promise of beautiful blossoms, I am grateful.
Holy God – thanks for all the unique and beautiful plants that graze our areas. May they encourage us to celebrate life on a daily basis. Amen.
Blessings –
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