Gratitude Day 279
Sat., June 1, 2019
Hebrew 5:12 – By now you should have been teachers, but once again you need to be taught the simplest things about what God has said. You need milk instead of solid food.
Just a few thoughts as the weekend officially begins. Thoughts that encourage me to realize that simple is never overrated. In fact, we need regular doses of simple milk in our lives to help restore our souls.

- Hubby Rick and I have observed several rites of passages these last several days. Earlier this week, I shared about our nephew Kevin, and his most recent rite of passage with high school graduation. We also met our newest granddaughter, Jensyn. Birth and graduation. Two pretty big rites of passages. Yet, also events that simply bring us back to simple beginnings. Events we know we simply use to mark time once again in our lives.

- Another huge rite of passage? Leaving this world. About a month ago, I shared the story of our dear friends, Howard and Rhoda. Over a week ago, Howard began a journey towards the last moments of his life. It’s been a special time in which I had the honor to help care for Howard in his last days. Being a part of this type of journey is terribly humbling and powerful. It’s also a huge reminder that there are some things we have absolutely no control over. Thanks, Rhoda, for letting me walk this path with Howard and your family.

- For the last two school years, I have participated in our local school district’s buddy program. Wednesday mornings, I’m at the school, hanging out with my buddy, Isaac. This week was our last session, as well as the end-of-the-year ice cream social to celebrate all the buddies and their mentors. During the ice cream social, school counselor Mrs. Sukowski took a few minutes and chatted with Isaac and me. She asked what types of things we did together. Isaac is finishing 5th grade. Normally, students “graduate” out of the buddy program after 5th grade. Isaac asked Mrs. Sukowski if I could be his buddy next year, even though he is going into 6th grade. The counselor asked Isaac why he wanted to continue to meet with me. Here’s his answer: “She’s fun, funny and smart. Besides that, she’s my best friend.” Folks – there have been times when I have wondered if the one-hour I spend each week with Isaac is important. I’m not sure that I really am his best friend. What his comments say to me is that if I brought a little stability into his life, every hour that I spent with him is simply important.

- Finally, spring arrived. The last two days, Rick and I have spent some time freshening up the yard and flower beds. It’s the best therapy for me. And having lily of the valley blooming right now makes doing these tasks simply a complete pleasure.

- One last picture for the road – Grandpa and 7-year-old Dylan after his baseball game on Friday night. Little people baseball is simply the best.
For simple things that remind me what truly is important even when life can be very full, I am grateful.
Gracious God – You are the master of simply. Too often, we are the ones who muck things up and make them too difficult. May we find You in the simply places of life this weekend. Amen.
Blessings –
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