Gratitude Day 222

Thurs., Feb. 28, 2019

Romans 12:3 – Because of the grace that God gave me, I can say to each one of you: don’t think of yourself more highly than you ought to think. Instead, be reasonable since God has measured out a portion of faith to each one of you.

Praise the Lord for February being a short month! Let’s give a big shout-out to whomever decided it would be a good idea to have a short month in the middle of winter. Can I get an “Amen!”

Today, I’m sharing a few lessons that I learned during the past month. Personally, it is helpful for me to take just a few minutes and reflect upon the past month. Sometimes, we keep plowing through life and miss the opportunity to learn from what has been happening in our lives. Even a short time of personal reflection allows us to evaluate where we’ve come from and what we’ve learned. So, here’s a few lessons I’ve learned in February.

snow plows

After virtually no winter in November and December in Wisconsin, wow, Mother Nature has made up for it in the last 60 days. Rarely do I cancel a commitment because of the weather. But last Saturday, I did. Hubby Rick was in shock! It wasn’t the cold. It wasn’t the snow. It was the sheet of ice. I started out to my commitment and turned around. I just decided it wasn’t worth it. Spending the day at home felt like a gift. I spent most of the day working on a book that I’m writing. While our school local districts have had so many snow days, I felt like this truly was a snow day for me. What is the lesson? We don’t have control of somethings. We can get frustrated by it … or discover a way to make lemonade out of lemons.


Hubby Rick and I spent several days out of the cold and in a warmer climate taking Sabbath in February. Yes, most people would have called it a vacation. I really wanted to slow down from daily life and allow my heart and soul to breathe. Guess what … it felt so good! Actually, I’ve given myself permission to ease back after our Sabbath. And it’s been a blessing. Of course, spending time with great friends is a bonus!!

DSC06807A week ago, a group of ladies helped celebrate my friend Marilyn’s 90th Unfortunately, I failed to snap a group picture while the ladies were at our house. After lunch and a house tour, we gathered in the parlor for dessert and coffee. We so seldom use this room, other than walking through it. It was lovely to relax in this room and enjoy yummy carrot cake, my favorite flavor of coffee (Highlander Grog) and great conversation. The best part? We took our time and didn’t rush. So often, we talk about taking time to enjoy being together. This afternoon, we actually did it. Thanks to the ladies who helped celebrate Marilyn’s birthday. FYI – this lady does not act nor look like she’s one decade from 100!! A great inspiration!

chasing slow

While on vacation, I read this book, Chasing Slow by Erin Loecher. I stumbled upon this book by accident. Erin has a significant blog following. While I enjoyed the book’s content, I really loved how the book is laid-out. It doesn’t follow the traditional book design. Erin has a unique and different style. It’s a bit quirky and fun, as well as youthful. Her writing is very easy to read. Because I already have too many books, I checked her book from the library. After we arrived home from vacation, I purchased my own copy. While I love to read, I don’t always create space to read. One of my personal growth areas for 2019 is to read more. So far, I have been much more consistent. Having good books to read helps.


The most important lesson I’ve rediscover this month? I’m relearning grace. For years, and I literally mean years, I’ve prayed daily for God to help me discover and know what the most important things for me to focus on; for each day, week, month and year. Throughout February, I’ve been challenged to think about this from a different perspective. Rather than focusing on what I want God to do for me, I’m shifting my perspective to simply loving God. Enjoying God. Worshiping God. Living with God. As I discover again who God is for me and how God lives in my life, I’m confident the rest will work itself out. Too often, we want God to do for us … when our relationship with God should focus less on what God does for us and more on what we do with God. Notice, I didn’t say for God; but with God yearns to have a relationship WITH us. If we only expect God to give to us, it’s not a relationship. It’s a scorecard. Sometimes, we just have to get ourselves out of the way and let God do God’s work in us. Yes, we still take an active role because we still make choices. I want to fall back into love with God and faith, as I feel this has been missing in my life. A problem that often arises? When we feel that God has let us down, we want to be back in charge. We give up on God or become disenfranchised. We forget that God isn’t here to fulfill all of our desires and wishes. Instead, God yearns for us to know intimately. This can only happen when keep perspective of who God is and who we are.

Thanks for following along on my blog. I know each time you read one of my writings, it’s a choice you’re making … and there are so many choices we can choose from! I pray the words I share here inspire you to think about your life, faith and the grace God extends to you every day.

For an amazing amount of grace in my life, I am grateful.

Almighty God – please forgive me for the times that I’ve tried to make our relationship more about me than about You. Help me set aside my desires from you and instead, just love you. Place deep in my heart a yearning to really get to know you. Thank you for loving me so unconditionally. Amen.

Blessings –


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