Mon., Sept. 24, 2018

Jeremiah 5:24 – They don’t say in their hearts, Let’s fear the Lord our God, who provides rain in autumn and spring and who assures us of a harvest in its season.


We have officially entered the fall season!

The days are cooler, the colors slowly changing and Friday night football is a constant. Just a few thoughts about fall:

  • I brought out the tube of fall decorations and have been changing up the décor of our house and porch. Nothing fancy, nothing special. Just a few things that remind us of fall. Maybe one day, I’ll snap a few pictures.
  • Appreciate the people who grow food for everyone else. They are working hard these days. And the prices they are receiving this year are challenging. How might you support an area producer this year?

combine down road

  • Fall is also a time of the year when big pieces of equipment are moving down the road in our area. If you see them, be patient. They take up more than their share of the road. While it may seem like they should pull into the shoulder (and some do), sometimes it doesn’t make sense. Traction is more challenging. Farmers want to avoid damaging equipment on uneven surfaces. Just because you can see them does not ensure they can fully see you. Slow down, make yourself known if possible and know they are doing their best. Most importantly, stay out of their way so no one gets hurt.

Pumpkin Spice latte for fall and winter weather

  • I like pumpkin spice in the right things; not everything. It’s not my favorite coffee or cappichino. But I love pumpkin bars and cake. It seems pumpkin spice everything is available this year!
  • Go to a pumpkin patch, a corn maze, an apple orchard. Get fun and family friendly.
  • Get outside and enjoy the days! Yes, the sun is setting sooner. You might need a jacket. Soak in all the sun you can these days. You’ll appreciate it more this winter.

It’s a great time of the year. Take it all in!

For the fall season opportunities, I am thankful.

Lord God – I pray we can appreciate this fall season. We pray for production agriculture producers and their safety these days. May we drink in all the sights, sounds and smells of the season. Amen.

Blessings –


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