
Fri., Aug. 3, 2018

Hebrews 13:8 – Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

We turned the calendar to August this week. Hubby Rick said to me, “July is my favorite month of the year. Why did it have to end?”

Yet, we have today.

Today is August.

Today is Friday.

Today is another day to breathe, serve God and love our neighbors.

Nearly every day, I spent time thinking about tomorrow and the next day.

But today, I just want to think about today.

Not next week. Nor next month.

Just today.

Too often, I rush through today and fail to see the gift of today. We fail to hold onto every minute, every hour, every day as something special granted to us. We let them slip through our hands and our lives. Suddenly, today is gone. And I missed it.

Why do we call today “the present?” Because every day is a gift. Every day is special. Every day should have its own identity and purpose.

Today, like most days, I have way more to do on my “to-do” list than I will every accomplish. In the hurry of crossing something off my list, I fail to stop and celebrate today. Another 86400 seconds which will only happen once; which will only happen today.

Today, I can run around like a crazy woman.

Or I can be.

Today, I can overextend myself.

Or I can stop the craziness and let my heart guide the way.

Too often, I feel like I do not accomplish enough for today. Most often, I set the bar too high. It’s not someone else who sets the standard. I do it for myself. In the busyness of the unrealistic bar, I miss out. I miss today.

Just for today, I pray that I can enjoy and celebrate the day.

I am grateful for today.

Lord God – as so many things change in our daily lives, thank you for Christ’s consistency in our lives yesterday, today and tomorrow. May we celebrate just today and your spot in this gift from you. Amen.

Blessings –


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