
OK, maybe not the best picture. But  I’m with a few of the Elizabeth’s in my life. 

Mon., Dec. 5, 2016

Luke 1:39-40: In those days Mary arose and quickly went into the hill country, to a city of Judah, and entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth.

Imagine being Mary, the mother of Jesus. You’ve just discovered you are having a baby out of wedlock. How can you explain this baby is a gift from God? To your fiancé Joseph? Your family? Your BFF’s? Of course, they will want to know just how you became pregnant. When you explain it’s the Holy Spirit’s fault, they are all going to think you are C-R-A-Z-Y!

If only just one person would empathize with Mary and think this is a real possibility. Wouldn’t she feel so much better?

Roll the theme song from the TV sitcom “Friends:” I’ll be there for you …

Who will be there for Mary?

The only reasonable option is her elder cousin, Elizabeth. Maybe that’s why the angel mentioned she was also pregnant, even though she was WAY past child-bearing years. Mary finds the first caravan headed to Elizabeth’s village. Maybe, just maybe, Elizabeth will understand. Mary wasn’t let down. Elizabeth knew immediately about the baby inside Mary’s womb.

Thank goodness for friends. Seriously. As I reflect upon the last few days, my friends have truly shown up:

  • My friend who came and baked with me last week.
  • My friend who helped get the food ready for a party we hosted. She even showed up unannounced the morning of the party, knowing I couldn’t do it alone.
  • My friend who listened in the car.
  • My friend who waited for me when I was late for lunch and then listened to my day’s challenge.
  • My friend who sent a text message just to check up on me.
  • Our friends who helped us move a king-sized mattress up our tiny back stairway in our 110-year old house which was not built for queen-sized mattresses.
  • Our friends who spent an evening with us, catching up.
  • My sisters, who are more than sisters, and truly friends.

The list goes on and on. I have friends from different times and stages of my life. Many of these friends are life-long friends. It amazes me how often when I reconnect with a friend, even if it has been awhile, we pick right back up where we left off.

There was a significant difference in age between Mary and Elizabeth. It isn’t a challenge for them. I think my friends that are closer to my Mom’s age. These are valuable friendships. I appreciate their experience. I envision Mary feeling the same way.

When no one else could relate or understand, it took the more mature woman in Elizabeth to help Mary come to grips with everything going on in her life. I pray we all have a few Elizabeth’s in our lives.

Almighty God, you knew that Mary would be in an interesting predicament when she discovered her special role in your kingdom. Thank you for also choosing Elizabeth to have such a special part in the Christmas story. May we appreciate the Elizabeth’s in our lives this day. Amen.

 Today’s item for Jesus’ birthday box: can of chicken

Sunday’s item for Jesus’ birthday box: box of instant potatoes

Blessings –


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