Mar. 5, 2013

Isaiah 38:19a

The living, the living can thank you, as I do today.

Today was my friend Carlene’s celebration of life. At the worship service, it was my privilege to witness to her life and share some things that made Carlene special to other folks and me.

At the end of my remarks, I shared a poem written by another friend, Bonnie Mohr. Bonnie is an artist as well as a dairy farmer with her husband in Minnesota. While many of her prints are agricultural images, she has also painted a number of inspirational pieces. One such print is called, “Living Today.” The print is a rural four-corners which could be anywhere in the rural Midwest. In the distance is a farm. Here are the words Bonnie painted on this print:

Living today: Today is a gift. Embrace it with joy and anticipation … realize the possibilities. It beckons you towards your destination in life. Be at peace – you are exactly where you are meant to be at this moment. God has carefully chosen the people, events, joys and challenges on your path today. The things you will encounter are stepping stones of what is to come. Make the most of today. Focus on “the present”—you will see and appreciate things you might otherwise miss. Follow your heart – search to find your purpose in life and you will find meaning and happiness. Use your talents, do your best, contribute. Make a difference, because you can. Be passionate about your journey – sing, dance, laugh and love as you go. Give praise and allow time for prayer. The promise of tomorrow begins with the endeavors of today. Do not let the fast-forward pace of the world deprive you from savoring “the now.” Seek things that fill you with love and bring you joy. Have faith, it fosters hope – it makes the difference. Believe, with God all things are possible. Live well – live today, for it is a gift.

In the last few months, I have been reminded several times that today is a gift; every day is a gift. Too often we let things from yesterday cloud our opinions and prevent us from fully loving people. And then there are the days we do not fully appreciate and let slip by without considering them a gift. Today is a gift. Treat it well. I pray Bonnie’s words help us live today with an appropriate perspective.

Thank you for today, Lord God. Thank you for being present with me and providing just what I needed for today. Inspire me to make the most of today. Amen.

Blessings –




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