Dec. 29, 2012DSC00639

The word became flesh and made his home among us. We have seen his glory, glory like that of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth. – John 1:14

Grandson Waylan spent the night with us last night. This morning, Rick had some errands to run in Madison. Waylan and I stayed home, shoveled and played in the snow and make cut-out cookies. After Rick got home, Waylan and Grandpa spent a couple hours cutting out snowflakes. They are so beautiful we had to put them up on the window.

Every once in a while, I heard Waylan tell Rick, “That’s a beautiful snowflake. You are so creative.” Quite a bit word and concept for a 5-year-old. I’m guessing he has heard at school because he also called our decorated cookies “creative.”

Tonight I found a few more snowflakes and added them to the window. Each snowflake is unique and different. Some are small, some are big. We have white, blue, purple, red and green snowflakes. Some are more intricate. Some have more paper and less cut-outs. There are some out of heavy paper, light paper and even one out of a paper towel.

It was wonderful to watch these two Vielhuber boys making snowflakes. Rick would fold the piece of paper and then draw marks on the paper for Waylan to cut out. This way, the snowflake would stay intact. They oooh and aaah over each flake as it was opened. Every single one is unique and pretty.

We are much like those snowflakes. We are uniquely different and special. We’re not all cut out of the same cloth and thus are very different. God has God’s special mark on each of us, who designed us to be as we are. It’s because of God’s great love for us this Christmas that God decided to send God’s son to make his home among us. Now this is something that should give us great glory, grace and truth. Thanks be to God.

Thank goodness you made us all so unique and different. How you knew just what attributes and traits we needed is amazing. And why you love us so much that you sent your special Son to this earth is beyond our comprehension. May we come to see this special gift this Christmas.  Amen.

Blessings –




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