Apr. 28, 2012

Luke 24:49

Jesus said, “I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.”

Promises are hard. We promise to do something, keep a secret, not doing something or to have contact with someone and share a piece of information. Sometimes we keep them; sometimes we don’t.

As I get a little older, I am more careful about the promises I make. I really do not what to overpromise and under deliver. Unfulfilled promises affect other people.

But what about promises I make to myself and don’t fulfill? Those are unfulfilled promises also. How many days do I say to myself, “Tomorrow, I promise to take care of this.” Or “Tomorrow I will get in a good run.” Or “Tomorrow I’ll make this phone call.”

So what did the Father promise to send the disciples? What is Jesus speaking about here? Did the Father deliver?

Jesus is speaking of the Holy Spirit. In another gospel, Jesus’ words are a bit clearer. He knows that the disciples will need inspiration and guidance from someone once he ascends to heaven. God the Father won’t leave them high and dry. The Holy Spirit will be intensified and always present with them.

I do believe the Holy Spirit had been very present before this day. The Holy Spirit was a part of Jesus’ ministry. What the Father is promising now is that the disciples will be very aware of the Holy Spirit’s place in their lives.

Let me share a little secret. Well, not really a secret but more of an observation. The Holy Spirit is still present with us today. God the Father does not want us to try to live our Christian lives alone. God wants us to partner and allow the Holy Spirit to go with us. It’s a promise God continues through today. Talk about a long-standing promise. But then again, God keeps God’s promises. Always.

Let us pray: Spirit of the living God, fall fresh on me. Spirit of the living God, fall fresh on me. Melt me, mold me, fill me, use me. Spirit of the living God, fall fresh on me. Amen.

Blessings –




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