Proverbs 14:31 – Whoever oppresses a poor man insults his Maker, but he who is generous to the needy honors him.
Gratitude Day 925
When we hear the word “homelessness,” a variety of emotions may circulate throughout our bodies. How? Why? What happened?
It’s a situation where unless you have been in those shoes, it is probably impossible to fully understand.
And yet, it happens. More than we realize.
A few years ago, my friend Stacie and I started a group called Our Monthly Resolution. We pick 12 organizations a year and ask those interested in recognizing worthy non-profit organizations to support them with a financial contribution. Our goal is to pick smaller non-profit organizations that will notice a difference from our donations; donations that will truly help the mission and vision of their organization.
As 2025 began, Stacie and I took a step back from Our Monthly Resolution. Should we continue? Is the work we are doing, making a difference? Do others value having vetted non-profit organizations that they can support?
We’ve thought about this. Prayed about this. And tried to listen to those who shared their feelings. While there are a ton of non-profit organizations that we could support, our goal is always to find the organizations that are unique, a bit different and rooted in truly making a difference for the people that they serve.
We know that Our Monthly Resolution isn’t for everyone. And that’s OK! What I do hope is that in sharing these organizations here, it encourages readers to think of how they can serve other people. Support organizations that they believe in. Spur someone to look for a similar organization in their area that they can learn more about if you are not from Wisconsin.
Criteria for selection is very simple: be a 501(c)3 organization based in Wisconsin (or have a specific Wisconsin connection); have a website; be present on Facebook so people can learn more about their organization. We pick organizations that use a very high percentage of their donations towards their actual mission and vision. And in the end, make a difference.
All this takes us to the organization that we’ve chosen for January 2025: Veterans Community Project. This organization focuses on providing housing for homeless veterans. Yes, people who have served our country who now find themselves without a place to live. How does this happen? A variety of reasons. Veterans Community Project is more than housing. It’s a way to connect vets with resources and opportunities, as well as housing, to help them.
This is their mission statement: Veterans Community Project is dedicated to serving every man and woman who took the oath for our country, regardless of discharge status or type of service. Our solution to fix Veteran homelessness is simple: provide Veterans a home with dignity and wrap-around support services that not only get them back on their feet, and ensure they continue standing.
Started and based in Kansas City, MO, the Veterans Community Project built their first veteran homeless community in Kansas City. We are supporting them as our January Our Monthly Resolution organization because they are currently fundraising for a veteran homeless community in Milwaukee, WI! Veterans Community Project of Milwaukee will be a specialized village of 40 transitional homes with wraparound support services to help Veterans experiencing homelessness regain the dignity of home.
Located on a seven-acre property at 6767 N 60th St, Milwaukee, WI 53223, the project is currently in the fundraising stage. Check out this brochure for more details about what they envision for this property:
Or watch this video to hear for yourself the impact they are making.
Raising enough money for a tiny home is out of our reach. But we are hoping that we can help contribute to their project and move them a little closer towards their fundraising goal to break ground in the Milwaukee community.
How can you support them:
Contribute online at:
When you make a donation, please designate it for the Milwaukee community.
Mail a donation: Veterans Community Project, 8900 Troost Avenue, Kansas City, MO 64131
Again, please indicate that it is for the Milwaukee project.
If your employer matches contributions, their EIN is 47-4960735.
Forty tiny homes in the Milwaukee area to help homeless vets. We love this concept and hope others will be helping to support this idea. Any donation is great! If you’d rather support a different location or a more local veteran organization in your area, please do so.
I am grateful for the opportunity to support those who do not have a home to live.
Blessings –
Gracious God – While I may not understand homelessness, may I have a soft heart for those who lack adequate housing. Bless those who do not have a safe place to live. Place it upon my heart how I might support their needs. Thank you for those who are willing to offer resources and help to those who are homeless and need encouragement and a hand up. Amen.
Looking for a bit of daily inspiration? Check out my daily affirmation posts on Facebook and Instagram (Dianne Deaton Vielhuber and Simple Words of Faith.)
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